Tips To Write Perfect Answers to Board Exam Questions
Everyone will agree that the board examination is quite different and a level-up exam you take during your schooling.
We know you must be wondering ‘what writing tips have to do with passing an exam’. Trust us, you will thank us later. These tips help you to write perfect answers to all types of questions in a way that is logical, precise, and complete without leaving anything hanging or vague.
This article includes key elements that help you answer any type of question in a way that leaves your examiner feeling satisfied and confident about your answer.
Strategies to Write Perfect Answers to Board Exam Questions
Utilise 15 Minutes and Set the Priority
CBSE allocates 15 minutes to read the question paper in the board exams so that students get to know which section they need to attempt first.
Attempt that section first in which you are more sure. No need to write the answers in the same sequence as in the question paper.
Write down the answers you are certain about. This will boost your confidence and give you more time to consider the solutions to other questions that are little hazy in your mind.
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Try To Understand the Question Before You Start Writing
Before you start writing the answers in your answer sheet, try to understand what is being asked. The best way to do so is by reading the question first and then writing the answer for the same.
It will help you in two ways. One, you will be able to understand the question better and it will also help you in determining the priority of your answer.
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Choose Questions Wisely
Internal choices are usually included in some questions in the paper. The student must choose one of those options.
The tough thing about these selections is that students frequently choose which question to attempt on instinct and later regret not choosing the other question which they knew better. This occurs as a result of haste.
When it comes to deciding which questions to attempt, read each one carefully at least twice and then construct a mental picture of what you need to write in each scenario. This will allow you to assess your knowledge of the specific question and clear up any confusion.
Attempt all the Questions
Attempting all the questions is one of the most important tips that you need to keep in mind. If you attempt all the questions, you will improve your chances of getting marks in the exam. You can attempt questions in various ways.
Understand the question's type and what it requires. If you already know the answer, write it down. If you don't, apply common sense and make a rational conclusion. Examiners are always looking for technical terms or relevant keywords to which they can assign marks.
Write Brief, To-the-point Answers
While writing exam answers, you should write short, concise, and to-the-point answers. Avoid lengthy and verbose answers for 1 or 2 marks questions.
Try to avoid stuffing the question paper by writing unnecessary long and elaborative answers. This is because the examiner will mark your essays as wrong and will deduct marks.
So, try to write an answer that is extensive enough to explain the question and still not overstretch it. Choose the correct words and phrases to answer the questions and try to avoid using a lot of words, phrases, and sentences that do not convey the meaning of the question.
Quick Tips:
Do not write inappropriate answers that are not related to the question.
Use proper spaces between the words.
Make diagrams, and tables to explain the long answer-type questions.
Don't use colourful pens, or highlighters to beautify your answer sheet.
Consider the marks allotted to each question when choosing the number of words for the answer.
Make your answer as concise as possible.
Once you write the answers, you need to check the following points which include spelling, punctuation, and grammar of the answers. Check if you have used the correct words and phrases while writing the answers. Finally, read your answers again and correct all the mistakes that you might have committed.
By following these tips while writing the answers, you will surely succeed in writing the perfect answers to your board exam questions.