Tips to Ace the CBSE 2023 Practical Exams for Class 10th,12th
Practical exams can be intimidating, especially regarding the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) exams for classes 10th and 12th. These exams test your theoretical knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge in a practical setting.
However, you can ace your CBSE practical exams with some preparation and the right mindset.
CBSE 2023: Practical Exam Preparation Tips
Understand the Exam Format
Before preparing for the practical exams, it's essential to understand the format of the exams. CBSE practical exams are usually conducted in the project work and the practical exams.
In the project work, you'll be required to submit a report on a topic of your choice, while in the practical exams, you'll be required to perform specific experiments and answer questions based on them.
Knowing the format of the exams in advance will help you prepare better.
Also Read - Strategy to Score 90% in CBSE Board Exams
Read the Lab Manual
CBSE provides a lab manual for each subject that contains all the necessary information regarding the practical exams.
Make sure you read the lab manual thoroughly and understand all the experiments, procedures, and objectives.
This will help you prepare for the exams and make you more confident in the lab.
Prepare a Lab Notebook
Keeping a lab notebook is a great way to organise your work and prepare for practical exams.
Your lab notebook should include a summary of the experiments you performed, the results you obtained, and any observations you made.
This will help you keep track of your progress and review your work before the exams.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Practical exams are all about applying your knowledge in a real-world setting, and the best way to do that is through practice.
Make sure you perform all the experiments and procedures mentioned in the lab manual and practice answering questions based on them.
This will help you get comfortable with the lab equipment and develop the necessary skills to perform well in the exams.
Have a Positive Attitude
Your attitude towards the exams can significantly affect how well you perform.
Make sure you approach the exams with a positive attitude and confidence in your abilities. Ask your teachers or classmates for help if you need it.
Remember, the practical exams are designed to test your understanding of the subject rather than your ability to memorise facts.
Prepare for the Viva
A Viva is an oral examination conducted along with the practical exams.
During the Viva, you'll be asked questions about the experiments you performed and the observations you made.
Make sure you understand the experiments and the observations you made during the lab and practice answering questions on them.
Time Management
Practical exams are time-bound, and you will be given a specific time to finish the experiment.
Be sure to manage your time well and finish the experiment within the given time frame.
Here is an example of how to prepare for a CBSE class 12th Physics practical exam:
Read and understand the lab manual for the subject
Prepare a lab notebook to keep track of the experiments and observations
Practice performing the experiments and answering questions based on them
Have a positive attitude and be confident in your abilities
Prepare for the Viva by understanding the experiments and observations you made in the lab.
Following these tips and preparing well makes you feel confident and perform well in your CBSE practical exams. Remember to stay focused, stay positive, and stay calm.
Best of luck!!!!!