Boards and Competitive Exams: Comprehensive Guide to Make a Balance
Trying to balance between board exams and competitive entrance exams such as NEET, JEE, AIIMS, and others is a struggle that only a few students win. Despite the fact that the syllabus, importance, and difficulty level of boards and entrance exams differ significantly, the pressure and anxiety to pass them remain the same for students.
Board exams qualify you to take the entrance exams, which means you must recognize all of them even though entrance exams help you get into your dream college. To prepare effectively for board and entrance exams, you must have a plan.
Preparing for the board and competitive exams can be challenging, but it is possible with careful planning and organisation.
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Here are a few tips for managing both types of exam preparation:
Set clear goals: Decide on your long-term goals and priorities, and use that to guide your decision-making process. This can help you determine which exams are most vital for you to focus on.
Make a schedule: Create a schedule that balances your preparation for board and competitive exams. This may involve setting aside specific blocks of time for each type of exam or alternating between the two.
Prioritise and manage your time effectively: Use your time wisely and prioritise your studies based on the importance and difficulty of each exam. This may involve focusing more on one exam over the other at certain times.
Seek help: Be bold and ask for help if you need help to balance your exam preparation. This can include seeking guidance from teachers, mentors, or study groups.
Take breaks: It is essential to take breaks and take care of your physical and mental health while preparing for exams. Make sure to build rest time into your schedule.
Stay organised: Stay on top of your studies using tools like study guides, to-do lists, and calendars to track your progress. This can help you stay on track and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Syllabus and exam format: Compare the syllabus and exam format of both types of exams to determine which one aligns more closely with your strengths and weaknesses. This can help you decide which exams to prioritise.
How to make a balance between Board Exams and Competitive Exams?
A perfect balance is required to succeed in the Class 12 boards and entrance tests. Board exams should be noticed because they are still a requirement for admission to all major courses.
As a result, one must learn to balance the preparation methods for both types of exams. For successful performance in both areas, a 60:40 ratio favouring entry examinations are appropriate. Based on your strengths, you can change the numbers however you like.
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To Sum Up..
Ultimately, deciding between preparing for board and competitive exams will depend on your goals, interests, and resources. It may be helpful to talk to a guidance counsellor or mentor to help you weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision. To make a balance, it may be necessary to prioritise one type of exam over the other or to find a way to prepare for both simultaneously.