The National Talent Search Examination exam is the scholarship program by Govt. of India and is considered the most esteemed exam. The NTSE exam is conducted every year in two different stages. Level 1 and Level 2.
One of the biggest benefits of the NTSE exam is that it identifies an individual's talents and encourages one to pursue higher education.
The NTSE scholar is entitled to get 1250 INR every month in class XI and XII and increases to 2000 INR for the UG programs in future.
Meanwhile, one is also entitled to get a scholarship in PhD programs and can get benefits in the NDA selection program too. Also, preference in Private and Public sector job Interview.
To ensure your rank in the NTSE exam, CatalyseR has developed itself keeping in mind that NTSE is just not a competition, but it’s an Honour and Pride to be a part of our nation’s asset as an individual.
In this blog we will learn about the benefits of the NTSE scholarship. Nearly 3 lakhs aspirants appear for the NTSE exam and approx 1000 become eligible. Also, CatalyseR is a record holder of nearly 1400+ scholars and counting.
7 Benefits of NTSE Scholarship
Admitted to recognised Indian Colleges or any other universities
If one is NTSE qualified, getting into your preferred college is pretty easy. Many universities keep a few seats reserved for NTSE qualifiers.
Many coaching centres prefer the NTSE qualifiers over those of Non-NTSE qualified students, and the biggest perks are the discounts for them to the NTSE students exclusively.
Engineering colleges for Information Technology like IIIT - Hyderabad, which is equivalent to IIT Bombay for placement and academics for Computer Science, takes admissions through JEE (main), offers ‘15 seats’ for which NTSE/Olympiad scholars can take admission without taking JEE (main).
Eligible for the foreign universities
NTSE is a recognised Indian examination which is admired in foreign universities too.
Some students want to go abroad as soon as they graduate. Being in an international university can be a fantastic experience.
The Education institutes and International universities are familiar with the NTSE scholarship exam, and give preference to students who have qualified it. So, if you want to apply for U.S. scholarships or consider studying abroad, you will definitely get an edge over others.
Tips to crack NTSE by Prof. Vipin Joshi
Employment benefits through NTSE Scholarship
The NTSE qualifiers are the biggest competition for the students nationally. One can easily be on top of the notch to get preferred in the jobs.
Meanwhile, the government and private companies are also one step ahead in giving preference to the NTSE qualifiers over the new ones. One can easily stand out and be a big asset to the company by taking over the charge/responsibility in the company.
Discount Benefits Through NTSE Scholarship
One more biggest advantage is that qualifiers get discounts on the study materials from the High school level. Hence, one can afford to buy a better/more expensive book for better study.
More preference is given to the one who has qualified for the NTSE. If a student wants to get admission to a prestigious school, The higher authority makes sure to give priority to the deserving one.
Build Confidence
First thing first, The NTSE is a competitive examination. One will be in close combat with the state-level/National level toppers.
Competing with the 3,00,000 students and qualifying amongst them somehow boost your confidence level. In addition, you will get confidence to give competitive examinations in future too.
As a recommendation from the Indian Government towards your academic potential, NTSE builds up your CV for interviews even for some of the toughest examinations like IAS, IES, IFS etc (UPSC examinations).
NDA benefits through NTSE Scholarship
Though there are not many benefits one can get in NDA through the NTSE scholarship. But getting the NTSE scholarship certificate can make a good impression in an NDA interview.
One should be well prepared in the NTSE exam because it lets you sense the difficulty of the NDA paper. Your document mentioning ‘NTSE SCHOLAR’ can make a huge difference in front of the NDA interview panel.
Reservation Benefits of NTSE
The students who have cleared stage II can benefit from the NTSE exam in reservations.
As per national norms-
For ST and SC candidates - 15% and 7.5%, respectively.
For physically challenged students - 3%
Only those candidates who obtain minimum qualifying marks under these categories are eligible for scholarship
Also read- NTSE syllabus
Best Books for the Preparation of NTSE Exam 2022 - 2023
Study Books for NTSE class X (1st & 2nd edition)- Mcgraw Hill
Pearson Guide to NTSE Class 10 - Saurabh Priyadarshini & Navin C. Joshi
Study Guide for NTSE for Class 10 - Disha Publication
Maths Class X - R.D Sharma
NTSE Eligibility Criteria
As per the norms, the eligibility criteria are :
Stage I NTSE Eligibility Criteria 2022 - 2022
Only students from India are eligible to appear for this stage.
The students studying in Class X are eligible to appear in this test.
Minimum 60% marks for General Category and 55% for SC, ST and OBC category aspirants, in their Class IX.
Candidates must be a student in a recognized school in their particular State or Union Territory.
Stage II NTSE Eligibility Criteria 2022 - 2023
As per the Stage I, students recommended by their respective state, are eligible for the Stage-II.
All the students, who have secured the minimum required marks at Stage-II, are eligible for the scholarship. All the students, who wish to appear in the scholarship programme, are required to register. After the survey of the applications, only eligible candidates are allowed to appear in the exam.
Current Exam Plan (Stages) of NTSE
The examination is conducted in two phases, i.e. Phase I (state level) and Phase II (National Level).
Questions are Multiple choice/Objective type.
Each phase consists of two papers -
MAT (Mental Ability Test)
Verbal & Non Verbal Reasoning - 120 Min & 100 Questions
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)
120 Min & 100 Questions - Social Science (40 Questions) + Mathematics (20 Questions) + Science (40 Questions)
Reservation criteria for NTSE Exam 2022 - 2023
Yes, as per national norms-
For ST and SC candidates - 15% and 7.5%, respectively.
For physically challenged students - 3%
Only the candidates who got minimum qualifying marks under these categories are eligible for scholarship.
Final Note
Studying for the NTSE requires serious preparation. Prior to taking the test, one must invest a lot of time in studying.
If you want to succeed, you must devote a lot of time to studying. The NTSE is an opportunity to achieve big things. It can help you pay for your education or boost your confidence in yourself.